Thursday, August 14, 2008

It's done.

Wow. It's taken me a day or two to really feel that I'm done. Really good feeling actually. I'm celebrating today by staying in my pajamas as long as possible and just catching up on small things around the house. I read a magazine. Ate some chocolate with my morning coffee. Sent some emails. It's been heaven.

So... the last 2 tests went well. As I was taking the final, the good feeling of knowing I still had a decent cushion for my grade allowed me to skip the essay question all together. I've never had the thought or the confidence to leave something blank and know for sure it wouldn't backfire. Instead, I wrote my teacher a short thank you for such a great class. She did a tremendous job making all the details and memorization interesting and engaging. Even with leaving the essay blank... I managed 147.5/150 after the extra credit questions. Bringing my overall average to a 98. I feel a bit like an Olympic Gold medal victory.

Feels good to do well. Feels even better to be finished and relaxing. The road to my Masters is long ahead of me, but I'm feeling good about the shoes I'm trying to fill.

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