Tuesday, February 17, 2009


The letter arrived today... and I was shaking like a leaf juiced full of pure adrenaline. It was the perfect day with Jim, Ayla, Henry and even Grampop and Granma deBeaumont right here to share the good news as I read "we are pleased to offer you acceptance into our program". It was a great great moment.

YAY!!! I'm still in shock and surprise. Just makes it all the more real. I've got a long list of things that need to be done by April 15th including a criminal background check/fingerprinting, all kinds of immunizations (yuuck), CPR/First Aid certification, get professional insurance, and complete a few forms for UT integrity/training modules.

Oh my gosh, I've been accepted into UT - School of Nursing grad school!

More perfect timing in that I totally flubbed my first PHYSIOLOGY exam and have been feeling a little low since getting my grade yesterday. Today, I started my Pharmacology class which is going to be great with a really superb instructor. Also today, I received my letter of acceptance. And tomorrow, I leave for a 5 day solo excursion to San Francisco. Complete with days with my dear friends that I rarely get to spend time with and I simply am on the edge of my seat in anticipation. The weekend will be an amazing Aromatherapy conference on Autoimmune Disease and Cancer . A full weekend of fun, celebration and always a time for learning. My perfect weekend awaits.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

still waiting

Happy Chinese New Year!

I'm still patiently waiting... but my patience is running thinner and thinner as we get closer and closer to February.

I'm encouraged by my interview with Professor Davidson. If she is any indication of the kinds of faculty UT has this is great sign. She was so personable and friendly which put me at ease at once. I was a little thrown a few times with the questions, but managed to answer with honesty, energy and confidence. I was also encouraged when she said I was a good candidate with all of my life experiences and travel. She said we all should be hearing from them by mid to late February, same as they have said before.

So, I'm still waiting...

In the meantime, I've got my hands full with a pretty full semester this spring. Physiology has started up on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. The professor has a rather dry lecture style that is almost directly from his notes or he just starts going off on something that I can't find any relation to anything in the notes. So I'm either sleeping or scrambling. The first half of each semester is definitely just figuring out the teacher's style of teaching.

I've also started my online Genetics class at BYU. I'm completely fascinated by this class and hope it doesn't geek out cuz so far I'm lovin' it.

My 3rd class, Pharmacology, is a shorter 12 week semester class, so it won't start until February 17. So I have a few more Tuesday/Thursday mornings to squeeze in personal errands, yoga classes, massages for my pregnant friend, little Christmas gift card shopping, and studying.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Got a call from UT yesterday about an interview!!

Don't get too excited... yet. This doesn't mean anything more than movement in the right direction. They offered me a choice of phone or in person interview. Thankfully step mom Jan has squeezed in just enough time to cover Henry duty so I can jet out for an in-person meeting on Thursday 1/15 at 2:00. My girlfriend Jennifer who is also applying said they basically review your resume/letter and ask questions about them. Nothing new, just getting to hear it first hand, I guess.

What should I wear? Dress suit? or something dressy casual? or what?

Well, spring semester is nearly here. This week is my last week of vacation. It's been absolutely heavenly. I'm pleased at the closets, drawers and rooms that were purged and rejuvenated. I finished my book, "Three cups of tea"; and HIGHLY recommend it. I've bumped our bank accounts with some much needed income from the extra teaching shifts I picked up. I have caught up on all my shows and even started some new ones... currently checking out 30 Rock Season 1 on our instant Netflix. I even came to a wonderful a-ha moment, as Oprah likes to call it, and am anticipating some good times exploring it further.

Overall, I really productive, restful, peaceful and fun family break.