Wednesday, September 24, 2008

First exams.

First exams were yesterday. Microbiology is already posted and I did great... about the same as I was doing in Anatomy. Yay! Thank goodness for extra credit! Both teachers do this funny system I've never experienced before. They both have a point system. You add up all the points ... from exams, papers, extra credit... all of it just goes into one pool. If you have 675-750 points you get an A. 600-675 you get B... yada yada yada... so once you get your points, you can stop taking the tests. Microbiology said he PREFERS you don't take the final. "Just get your points early on", he encourages. I agree. Just funny business this point system.

So I'm well on my way to my 675.

I just need to watch out I don't burn the house down along the way.

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