Wednesday, January 28, 2009

still waiting

Happy Chinese New Year!

I'm still patiently waiting... but my patience is running thinner and thinner as we get closer and closer to February.

I'm encouraged by my interview with Professor Davidson. If she is any indication of the kinds of faculty UT has this is great sign. She was so personable and friendly which put me at ease at once. I was a little thrown a few times with the questions, but managed to answer with honesty, energy and confidence. I was also encouraged when she said I was a good candidate with all of my life experiences and travel. She said we all should be hearing from them by mid to late February, same as they have said before.

So, I'm still waiting...

In the meantime, I've got my hands full with a pretty full semester this spring. Physiology has started up on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. The professor has a rather dry lecture style that is almost directly from his notes or he just starts going off on something that I can't find any relation to anything in the notes. So I'm either sleeping or scrambling. The first half of each semester is definitely just figuring out the teacher's style of teaching.

I've also started my online Genetics class at BYU. I'm completely fascinated by this class and hope it doesn't geek out cuz so far I'm lovin' it.

My 3rd class, Pharmacology, is a shorter 12 week semester class, so it won't start until February 17. So I have a few more Tuesday/Thursday mornings to squeeze in personal errands, yoga classes, massages for my pregnant friend, little Christmas gift card shopping, and studying.

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